TO-MEI,WATANABE,KOIKE&NAGAOKA was established for the further provision of intellectual property services backed by technical specialties and legal cogitation.

Since then, we have been offering the services in accordance with the basic philosophy of “sincere and professional” and could mark the 25th anniversary as TO-MEI,WATANABE,KOIKE&NAGAOKA. We are deeply grateful to our clients for their kindness and support.

As intellectual property services are long-term business, we employ a partnership in order to maintain the organization continuity so that our clients’ can commission us to offer the services.

In addition, our organization is capable of training and recruitment of young workers responsible for the next generation and capable of generation shift with putting next 10 years in perspective so that each individual patent attorney can display originality and teamwork and can work in a rewarding sense constantly.

We intend to meet the clients’ needs more than ever and offer our clients services to their complete satisfaction. Your continued support will be greatly appreciated.

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