
Suzuye & Suzuye

Suzuye & Suzuye has over a century of experience in acquisition, enforcement and maintenance of both domestic and international IP rights. We are consistently recognized as one of Japan’s most renowned patent law firms, not only domestically but also on the international stage. Our decades of IP protection insight and expertise enable us to successfully assist our clients in putting together comprehensive IP strategies from pre-grant patent, design and trademark prosecution (including filing an application and appealing) to post-grant prosecution (including consultation, provision of expert opinions, infringement lawsuits, negotiation, licensing, and litigation across a wide industrial and technological spectrum).

Suzuye & Suzuye’s knowledgeable and experienced attorneys and professionals are forever committed to providing top-quality services that effectively and efficiently address the IP issues confronted by our clients, thereby meeting client needs and expectations. We have also leveraged in-house computer systems dedicated to IP management to reliably protect the security and confidentiality of our clients’ assets and provide secure administrative services.

While amassing over 100 years of experience handling all aspects of IP issues, we have also established a global network of over 2000 overseas associates, enabling us to formulate unique strategies for delivering effective solutions for protection of IP assets with a high level of reliability.

We have integrated human and physical resources into a single place to realize effective delivery of employee training, further secure the protection of client assets, and implement our robust structure for governance and compliance. Through such an integrated approach are we dedicated to providing full and comprehensive range of highly-satisfying IP services via client-friendly support, confidentiality you can rely on, and secure management functions.

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