Nakamura & Partners

Nakamura & Partners


Providing Top-level Services and Developing Trustworthy Client Relationships

Our firm aims are to provide the highest level of professional services in intellectual property rights and legal matters relating thereto, to comply with the requests of clients and to construct an excellent and long-lasting trustworthy relation with our clients. Our fundamental purpose is to achieve such aims.


1. Expert Character
Our firm consists of (a) group of patent attorneys who are well acquainted with application procedures for patents, design registrations and trademark registrations, demands for appeals and various other steps and procedures taken before the Japan Patent Office and (b) a group of lawyers (attorneys-at-law) who are skillful in the enforcement of intellectual property rights and dealing with other legal matters.
The patent attorneys group includes experts in technologies in all fields as well as experts in trademark laws and practices.
The lawyers group includes experts who are highly respected because of their broad knowledge, analytical mind and long experience about legal work concerning intellectual property disputes and other legal troubles relating thereto, such as lawsuits for patent infringement, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, unfair competition, negotiation for license agreements and troubles concerning license agreements, etc.

2. Integration

In our firm a close and effective cooperative relation has been established between the patent attorneys group and the lawyers group. This is the reason why our firm can render clients services of incomparably high quality. Because of such close and effective cooperation between the two groups, our firm can simultaneously provide services complying with the requests of clients, covering a wide range from how to acquire strong exclusive rights up to how to effectively enforce the exclusive rights and deal with legal work relating thereto. In other words, our firm is capable of offering a variety of intellectual property-related services simultaneously.

3. International Character

Intellectual properties are inherently properties international in nature. Particularly, it is amazing to see the great development of international harmonization in recent years. Approximately half of our clients are Japanese enterprises while the other half are foreign enterprises. For clients in foreign countries, our firm has been chiefly engaged in works from acquiring of rights up to enforcing the rights in Japan and for Japanese clients, in the work from acquiring of rights up to enforcing the rights in Japan and in foreign countries. For handling such work our firm has established over the years a wide network of associate patent and law firms all over the world and has maintained a constant business association with them. Our firm is a member of various intellectual property international organizations, sending our representatives to the assemblies, conferences etc. of such organizations. In addition, our firm has been endeavoring, taking any and all opportunities, to strengthen our intimate and friendly relations with this associate network around the world and to expand it to accomplish the desires of our clients.

4. Tradition

Our firm was established in 1914, so it has a long history and tradition. Since then, our firm has kept growing. This is the result of the high reputation and confidence among clients which our firm has acquired. It is also the result of our firm not being content with said history and tradition, but instead always endeavoring to open a new page in our history and to create a new tradition to comply with the expectations of our clients. For such purposes, our firm will endeavor in the future to continue to deal with any and all cases with the utmost sincerity and promptness.

5. Fostering Talents

It is indispensable to foster the talents of our firm’s new members in order to maintain the high reputation and confidence which we now enjoy. For such purpose, our firm has been sending young members to study at law schools in the foreign countries, to have them participate in academic meetings, seminars, symposiums etc. held in foreign countries and also in Japan and furthermore to organize in-house study groups. Our firm has a fairly large number of lawyers and patent attorneys who have experience of studying in foreign countries. Some of them have been admitted to the bar in the United States and some of them are qualified to be U.S. patent agent.

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